Focus on Your Feet: National Foot Health Awareness Month
Did you know April is National Foot Health Awareness Month? Approximately 75% of Americans will experience a foot problem at least once in their lifetime. It may be the result of poorly fitting shoes, an injury, or an underlying health condition. Whatever the reason may be, foot health is essential. While foot health might not be an obvious jump to achieving your work-life-balance goals, starting with a solid foundation is crucial to striving towards your dreams.
With 26 bones and 33 joints, our feet serve as the foundation for the rest of our body. If there are problems with the feet, it can impact the knees, hips, lower back, and continue up through the body. By taking care of the feet, many other issues in the body can be resolved.
One of the best ways to keep your feet happy and healthy is by wearing properly fitting shoes. As an avid runner and a fitness instructor, I know the importance of good shoes to maintain foot health. I learned the hard way a couple of years ago that not all fitness sneakers are created equal. After a nine-hour day at Zumba Convention, I noticed I could have used more support. Be sure to find comfortable shoes that fit correctly and have the right amount of support for your foot and needs.
Proper footwear is not the only way to keep your feet happy and healthy. Here are five other ways to show the foundation of your body some love.
Check your feet on a daily basis. Look for cuts, sores, bruises, or infected toenails (yuck!). This will allow you to seek treatment or address concerns early on to prevent any larger issues. Do not ignore foot pain!
Pedicure anyone? Keep your nails trimmed. This will prevent ingrown toenails from occurring.
Wear socks with shoes and limit your time walking barefoot. And never walk barefoot outside. You’re just asking to get something gross in your tootsies then.
Have your feet measured periodically to find the best-fitting shoes. Feet will often change shape as you age. Sorry, that may mean you need to toss your favorite pair of pumps.
Stretch your feet, ankles and lower legs often. Hello, reflexology!
Take this month to recommit to your foot health and build your foundation. It may pay off down the road!